Achieving the first goal of the year!

Hey folks! This is my first post of the Blog! As I am writing this I am finally putting in practice something I wanted to do in 2015 (I just found my new year’s resolutions for this year in my archives). So I was questioning myself: why did I never launch this blog before? I didn’t find the answer yet. But before I figure it out, I am launch it right now!

This is a blog about software development and technology. I will share with you small experiences from my daily work, ideas about how to write a better code, and insights from the projects I am working on. I hope I will have readers here. So if you are interested follow me on twitter at @lutchobandeira. I will tweet as soon as I write a new post.

This blog is hosted as a GitHub page and built using Jekyll. For those who do not learn about Jekyll yet, it is an amazing tool to generate static web sites. My goal was to launch this Blog with a minimum setup, so I followed this article from Barry Clark. To make things even easier, Barry provided Jekyll Now, a repository you can fork on GitHub to use as a starting point. All this initial process can be done without even touch the command line.

I did not change the layout yet. Instead, I preferred to spend some time to make the blog multilingual. Not everybody speaks portuguese, so I would like to write in English as well. There are different approaches you could use. I chose the approach from Sylvain Durand. Simple and fast. If you are interested in other approaches, this article from Thomas ten Cat summarizes them.

Well, it was pretty easy to start! Looking forward for the next post!

And you? What will be the first thing you will achieve this year? Any idea for the next post? If you have read until here, leave your comment! See you!

Written on 01/02/2017